Week 2 – Pieces of a Powerful Puzzle

09 Oct


For someone who prefers to go to bed early and rise at 3am, I am finding the late night Sunday Webinars (10pm to midnight South Africa time) quite a challenge! However, the process is proving to be very rewarding. The puzzle pieces are coming together – DMP, PPN, index cards, BPB, GS scroll, MKMMA alliance and many other elements are all fitting together rather nicely. For so many years I was focused on the METHOD and taking ACTION in order to get results and yet, mysteriously (until now) the outcomes I achieved always seemed to melt away over time and I would find myself struggling to maintain the abundant life I was creating. Very exhausting and frustrating, yet I saw the same thing happening to so many others around me. Little did I realize then that the cause of the effects lie in a self-sabotaging, flawed blueprint created by years of failure-inducing conditioning. Thanks are due to a government schooling system which taught us (as young impressionable children) NOT to think for ourselves and NOT to look within for answers. A system that taught us to get an education  and then go out to work in a JOB, be grateful for our salary at the end of each month and strive to climb the corporate ladder. On top of this we were conditioned by the media machine to get a better car, bigger house, nicer clothes etc.(even if we couldn’t afford it), because these things were supposed to create our socially acceptable identities! Some of us manage to break out of the JOB scenario to courageously pursue our dreams by starting a business. This though is often fraught with heartbreak and despair, as Og says in scroll 1 – “..the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another..” Yes, most of us were destined to fail because we were never given an education structured around TRUTHS. The ‘beliefs blueprint’ which resides within all of us was the ‘key’ to our success all along but it remained hidden from our awareness, yet it was growing into a powerful influencer, even without our conscious awareness. The problem is that it was influencing us in the wrong direction! The direction of failure and frustration all because of flawed programming by our own conscious thoughts. We were simply not taught to be careful of what we focused on as it would impact our subconscious mind. What an amazing realization – to now grasp that the subconscious mind is a part of the Universal Mind! When we direct our thoughts consciously, systematically and constructively we place our mind in HARMONY with the Universal Mind and come in tune with the Infinite. We set in operation the mightiest force and creative power of the Universal Mind. This is how we can manifest the abundant beautiful lives we all want and then keep it. The MKMMA program is bringing all the puzzle pieces together nicely and we’re only two weeks in!


Posted by on 10/09/2014 in Uncategorized


6 responses to “Week 2 – Pieces of a Powerful Puzzle

  1. Sophie Serre

    10/09/2014 at 5:53 PM

    Steve, that is great sharing. I like the part of schools (and fully agree with it)…etc…the same here in Europe, children keep being told they live in a hard world and that they will have to struggle to get somewhere…imagine all our kids in an MKMMA scholarship –>What a world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • MasterkeyStevenH

      10/10/2014 at 6:02 AM

      Thanks Sophie. The world would sure be a lot better if children did not get the negative programming in school. Imagine a world where everyone had a healthy positive blueprint !

      Liked by 1 person

  2. gailhinrichsen

    10/11/2014 at 1:51 PM

    Reblogged this on masterkeygailh and commented:
    Yes, must read to change your life!


  3. tdadams

    10/11/2014 at 10:01 PM

    Your post reminded me of a poem written by Helen Buckley, The Little Boy. It chronicles a little boy’s school experiences. How overwhelmed he felt, how big the school was, and yet how proud he was when he found the door to his classroom because suddenly the school did not seem quite so intimidating.

    One morning the teacher explained they were going to make a picture and the little boy was so excited because he liked to draw all kinds of thing, animals, vehicles, etc. but when he began to draw the teacher asked him to WAIT! “It is not time to begin!” Once everyone was ready the teacher explained to the class that they were going to make flowers and once again the boy was excited because of all the colors he could use. But the teacher said “Wait! And I will show you how.” The teacher proceeded to draw a red flower with a green stem.

    The poem continues as the teacher introduces clay and the students are instructed to wait for instructions on how to duplicate the teacher’s clay dish. Each time a little more of the boy’s creativity and individual expression dies until he no longer can think for himself. He had been taught and embraced a new habit: WAIT.

    One day the boy moved to another city and attended another school, where the teacher encouraged creativity. The teacher began class by explaining that the students were going to make a picture. The little boy waited to be told what to do. The teacher approached him and asked why he wasn’t drawing his picture and the little boy said he did not know what to make or how to make.

    “Why, anyway you like,” said the teacher.
    “And any color?” asked the little boy.
    “Any color,” said the teacher.
    “If everyone made the same picture,
    And used the same colors,
    How would I know who made what,
    And which was which?”
    “I don’t know,” said the little boy.
    And he began to make a red flower with a green stem.

    MKMMA not only is reminding us to think for ourselves but instructing us to be careful what those thoughts are. I don’t want to draw a red flower with a green stem. I want to create a representation of who I am and I think your blog summed this process up very well!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. MasterkeyStevenH

    10/14/2014 at 1:06 PM

    What a great story! Thanks for sharing.


  5. tdadams

    10/17/2014 at 6:00 AM

    Thx 🙂



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